Thursday 26 March 2015

Genre of Indian Music

Indian Music is timeless. In fact the music from this hugely diversified country has resisted the test of time. The fact that India's music cherished across the world speaks volumes about its richness.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Download Karaoke Songs Online – Improve Singing While having Fun

The internet is a great source of information for almost anything you require but have you wonder anytime how internet can be helpful for improving singing through karaoke?

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Tips to Improve Your Ability to Sing

Singing is the one talent essentially everyone acquires. However some are more naturally talented than others, but even a poor voice can be sharpened by commitment and regular practice. Find out an article that specifies the five quick and easy healthysinging habits to improve your singing ability.

Improve Singing with Karaoke Backing Tracks

Are you aware of the fact that the art of singing can be easily learnt using karaoke backing tracks? If not then this article will give you an idea about how karaoke music can help you evolve as a better singer.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Role of Music or Singing in Learning a New Language

An article published recently on explaining the reasons that has proved music is an amazing tool to learn a new language. 

Sunday 21 December 2014

Role of Music or Singing in Learning a New Language

To sum it all, many scientific explanations prove why music is a valuable learning tool. Music power lies on the fact that it is fun, pleasing and emotionally energizing. By boosting mood and inspiration, music has the magic to make tasks seem piece of cake.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Karaoke Mp3's Are the Way of the Future

MP3 is the popular version of MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3. It is a patented digital audio encoding format. MP3 is an audio specific format designed for use with digital audio players. It is an approved ISO standard rating.